I needed to see why these dolls beat the Fresh Dolls to be Toy of the Year 2020
I kind of missed these dolls as I collect Barbie and I am still not sure what height these dolls are and whether dolls like Honeylicious (below) can share her hip-hop inspired fashions with Barbie. (Yes, sharing is fine.)

I have an unboxing video. A few words and pictures cannot do justice to this set of toys.

In my day Bratz were the big thing – a multicultural set of dolls who made Barbie look fuddy-duddy with their hardcore make up and endless accessories and fashions. At the time, Barbie was being criticized for being to adult or whatever it was. While Barbie tried to be sensible the Bratz dolls whizzed past her in a whoosh of lurid make-up and mini skirts. MGA saw the from a child’s viewpoint. A little girl won’t body shame her dolly. Did we have that phrase back then.
In my eyes MGA has done it again and given little girls exactly what they want. Bold characters, outrageous fashions and endless accessories. If you remember lucky bags, (when I was a kid in Ireland lucky bags were paper bags with little surprises inside – sweets , whistle, plastic comb – that kind of thing). Then imagine a set of lucky bags full of items for your dolls.
Here they are called “blind bags” meaning that you cannot see what is inside until you open them. The design and sculpting of the accessories is exceptional. I do not own one (yet) and I think that the dolls are also packaged blind. Be prepared is all I will say.
Words fail me so I am linking to a video. The dolls in this set are in a band and Lady Gaga is referenced. Beyonce’s influence is visible. But the fun just goes on and on. Each girl has a mini-me baby sister.
I am doing a long blog about Where to Buy Beautiful Black Dolls and I can see that these dolls have a mix of skin shades and hair textures. I still would have liked to see the Fresh Dolls win TOTY.
I have three affiliate links below. So many dolls! My choices were based on hair play.