Doll collectors of a certain age will know the Madame Alexander dolls. I will not go into the history of this historic doll-preneur right here. There is so much to say about her vision of beautiful dolls to help with childhood development. She also wanted to inspire the passion of collectors. I want to show off Zola. a new doll with a very pretty face sculpt.

I believe Zola may be the first African facial sculpt for a Madame Alexander doll. There were black dolls from the Alexander company but they would have used a general face. If you believe that representation is important then you don’t need me to tell you that black dolls matter. My blog about Where to Buy Beautiful black dolls online features many dolls, not all from Amazon! Zola doll can also be bought from the Madame Alexander shop.
The Madame Alexander company has been bought by Kahn Lucas a family owned, 4th generation maker of clothing for girls. Their website shows their. models proudly displaying dolls. This feels like good news for doll lovers.