Well- i am looking for my own Christmas present right now and here is a doll who I would love to add to my collection.

She may have gone out of my price range but let’s have a look at Puma Barbie anyway. I will add her to my blog about Where to Buy Beautiful black dolls online. She is a Black Label Barbiedoll with the hugely popular Made to Move body. Look at how she poses with her hands on hips!
The designer is Carlyle Nuera who did many of the BMR1959 dolls. The facial sculpt is Selma. and the hair is streaked pink and in two big braids.
The shoes are black and pink suede Pumas that will delight anyone who enjoys miniaturisation. Is that a word?

I am linking to her page on the Barbie website so you can learn all you need to know about her and about the other urban, afrocentric dolls by Carlyle Nuera. I have to stop and smile here. Do people still think Barbie is blonde and blue eyed. Mattel mixes plastic in many shades!

The affiliate link is below. I might pick this doll up un ebay but if Jeff Bezos (he owns Amazon) said I could have anything I wanted from Amazon, I’d click on the link!